学术论坛报告:Prof James Gao—— Manufacturing Futures: Embracing the Opportunities


本期学术论坛由Universityof GreenwichProfJames Gao主讲

题目: Manufacturing Futures: Embracing the Opportunities

报告人: Prof James Gao

时间: 201843日(周二),上午10:00-11:00



Themanufacturing sector is going through an exciting period of innovation andevolution, with many new opportunities and some significant challenges startingto emerge. In order to remain competitive in the global marketplace,manufacturing businesses and researchers need to understand, embrace andprepare for these changes as soon as possible. Professor James Gao (PhD, CEng,FIMechE), Medway Chair of Manufacturing Engineering, will give a high-leveloverview of the key trends and technologies that will shape the manufacturingsector over the next 5-10 years, including digitisation with Industry 4.0, theIndustrial Internet of Things, and knowledge based manufacturing, the movetowards servitisation, the growth in re-shoring and the benefits of openinnovation. Some recent research projects undertaken by Prof Gao’s team willalso be briefly introduced.


Prof James Gao holds the Medway Chair ofManufacturing Engineering, and leads the Research Theme of Design, Manufacturingand Innovative Products, Faculty of Engineering and Science, the University ofGreenwich. Prior to his current position, he was a lecturer/senior lecturer atCranfield University from 1993-2006, and a research fellow at LoughboroughUniversity from 1989-1993. Prof Gao is a Fellow of the Institution ofMechanical Engineers (IMechE), Associate Editor of the Proceedings of IMechEPart B – Journal of Engineering Manufacture, and a member of the editorialboard of several international journals. He obtained a BSc in mechanicalengineering in 1984 from Dalian Institute of Technology (China), MSc and PhDfrom the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UK) in1987 and 1989 respectively. He has over 230 publications in internationaljournals and conferences, and directed a large number of research projects inthe areas of knowledge management, intelligent manufacturing, collaborativeproduct development, computer aided design and manufacturing, and productlifecycle management including maintenance and services.

