学术论坛报告:Prof. Andrew P. Murray——Designing With Many (& Sometimes Too Many) Links


本期学术论坛由University of Dayton Prof.AndrewP. Murray主讲

题目:Designing With Many (&Sometimes Too Many) Links

——Shape-Changing Mechanisms in Diesand Morphometry, Infinity Chains, and Statically Equivalent Serial Chains

报告人:Prof. Andrew P. Murray




Notingthat simplicity in operation is always the goal, research in the Design ofInnovative Machines Lab (DIMLab) seeks to effectively synthesize complicatedsystems of rigid bodies when required by the design challenge. Four topics willbe covered. The first topic is designing shape-changing devices that combinebasic components into sophisticated machines. Designs include shape-changingspoilers, wings, seats, cams and parabolic light reflectors. The NationalScience Foundation has funded a shape-change project on designing variablegeometry dies for polymer extrusion. A host of parts, from PVC tubing toweather stripping to artificial lumber for decking, is made by extrusion.Extrusion is so valued because it is inexpensive and fast when compared tomolding, the other primary way of making plastic parts. So why aren’t moreparts extruded instead of molded? Every extrusion has a constant cross-section.A variable geometry die allows the cross-section to vary. We are developing thealgorithms to design these dies and have now prototyped and tested a variety ofexamples. The second topic is to use rigid-body shape-change in morphometry,the quantification of changes in shape. Morphometry is frequently used to studychanges due to evolution and growth. Shape-change is used to explore themorphometry of skulls and cochlea as they grow. The third topic is an algorithmthat allows mechanisms to grow to an arbitrary number of links to produce anyperiodic function, also called an Infinity Chain. In most cases, the mechanismsinclude dozens of links, where the action of any one of the parts affects themotion of all others. These mechanisms captivate the imagination yet possessalmost no capacity to be designed and built. The final topic is the rapidlydetermining and accurately tracking the center of mass (CoM) of a human orhumanoid. A Statically Equivalent Serial Chain (SESC) can be built from amodest amount of force plate and motion capture data. With the SESC, the forceplate is no longer needed to track the CoM of a human or humanoid.


AndrewMurray received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the Rose-HulmanInstitute of Technology in 1989, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanicalengineering from the University of California, Irvine in 1993 and 1996,respectively. In 1997, he joined the Department of Mechanical & AerospaceEngineering at the University of Dayton as an Assistant Professor, became anAssociate Professor in 2003, and a Professor in 2011. He is a Co-Director ofthe Design of Innovative Machines Lab (DIMLab) where the research in kinematicsynthesis theory and machine design includes shape-changing mechanisms withapplications in variable geometry extrusion dies, novel devices that utilizestrain-energy in automobiles, and accurate estimation and tracking of thecenter of mass of complex systems. He also has a long-standing collaboration withresearchers at the Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et deMicroélectronique in Montpellier, France. Dr. Murray is a Fellow of ASME. Hewon the highest teaching award offered by his university in 2013. He wasGeneral Program Chair of the ASME International Design Engineering TechnicalConferences in 2010 and has served as an Associate Editor for the ASME Journalof Mechanisms and Robotics since it was founded in 2008. Please visitacademic.udayton.edu/DIMLab to learn more about the research.


Andrew Murray在罗斯霍曼理工学院获得机械工程专业学士学位(1989年),在加州大学尔湾分校获得机械工程专业硕士(1993年)和博士学位(1996年)。他于1997年加入代顿大学机械与航空航天工程系担任助理教授,2003年成为副教授,2011年成为教授。他是创新机械设计实验室联合主任,该实验室在运动学综合理论和机械设计方面的研究包括应用于变几何挤压模具的变形机构、在汽车中利用应变能的新颖装置、以及复杂系统质心的准确估测和追踪。他与法国蒙彼利埃信息学、机器人技术及微电子实验室的研究者也有长期合作关系。Murray博士是美国机械工程师协会会士。他获得了2013年代顿大学颁发的最佳教学奖。他曾任2010年美国机械工程师协会国际设计工程技术会议一般程序主席,并是ASMEJournal of Mechanisms and Robotics2008年创刊以来的副主编。有关更多他的研究请访问academic.udayton.edu/DIMLab

