学术论坛报告:Professor Jingang Yi-Estimation, Sensing and Control of Tire/Road Interactions


本期学术论坛由Rutgers UniversityProfessor Jingang Yi主讲

题目:Estimation, Sensing and Control of Tire/Road Interactions

报告人:Professor Jingang Yi




Pneumatic tires andrubber wheels are critical components in mobile systems such as vehicles andground robots that are widely used for passenger and goods transportation. Thetire/road interactions in these systems play an extremely important role fornot only system design but also safe operation. In this talk, I will first presenttwo different modeling schemes for on-line estimation of the tire/road frictioncoefficient and braking control for automated vehicles. I will then present thedevelopment of a tire rubber deformation sensing system for enhancing real-timetire/road friction estimation. An analytical sensing output model that is usedto capture the tire/road friction characteristics will be presented. Thetesting data has showed the feasibility of the estimate of wheel/groundinteractions such as tire friction coefficient. I will further discuss how touse the developed tire model to understand stability and agility of professionalracing car driving skills and design human-inspired autonomous aggressivemaneuvers for active safety control. If time permits, I will also brieflypresent various other research projects at the Robotics, Automation andMechatronics (RAM) Lab at Rutgers University.


Professor Jingang Yi received the B.S. degree inelectrical engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1993, theM.Eng. degree in precision instruments from Tsinghua University, Beijing,China, in 1996, and the M.A. degree in mathematics and the Ph.D. degree inmechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2001 and2002, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor of MechanicalEngineering and a Graduate Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering atRutgers University, USA. His research interests include autonomous robotic andvehicle systems, dynamic systems and control, mechatronics, automation scienceand engineering, with applications to biomedical systems, transportationsystems and civil infrastructure systems. Prof. Yi is a Fellow of ASME and asenior member of IEEE. He has received many prestigious awards, including the 2016/2017Global Guest Professor at Keio University in Japan, 2015 Distinguished Visiting Scholars, University ofTechnology, Sydney (UTS), Australia,the 2014 ASCE Charles Pankow Award for Innovation,the 2013 Rutgers Board of Trustees Research Fellowship for ScholarlyExcellence, and the 2010 U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award.He has coauthored several best papers, including the 2015 Best New ApplicationPaper in IEEE Transactionson Automation Science and Engineering and best papers at the IEEE/ASME AIM Conference,ASME DSC Conference, and IEEE ICRA. He currently serves as an AssociateEditor for the IEEE/ASME Transactions onMechatronics, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IFACjournal Control Engineering Practice, IFAC journal Mechatronics,the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,Measurement and Control, InternationalJournal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, and the IEEE Robotics andAutomation Society Conference Editorial Board (since 2008). Prof. Yi is thepast Chair of the Mechatronics Technical Committee in ASME Dynamic Systems andControl. His research has been supported by the NSF, NIST, FHWA, NASA, andother agencies in US and NSFC in China.
