学术论坛报告:Prof. Gabor Orosz——Optimal control of connected vehicle systems with delays


本期学术论坛由密歇根大学安娜堡分校Prof. GaborOrosz主讲

题目:Optimal control of connected vehicle systemswith delays

报告人:Prof. Gabor Orosz

时间: 20161021下午 3:00



Wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communicationmay allow vehicles to obtain information beyond the line of sight which in turncan lead to improvements of safety, fuel economy and mobility in groundtransportation systems. In this talk we put forward the idea of connectedcruise control (CCC) that allow one to incorporate vehicles of different levelsof autonomy in the traffic flow ?including human-driven vehicles that may ormay be equipped with V2V devices. We construct models that take into accounthuman reaction time as well as communication delays arising due tointermittency and packet drops. Then we apply techniques form optimal controlof time delay systems to design controllers for CCC vehicles. Decomposing thearising Ricatti-type PDEs allows us to design the control gains sequentiallywith low computational cost. We demonstrate that the proposed controllers arecapable of avoiding congestion for even low penetration of CCC vehicles.




Gabor Orosz received his MSc degree in Engineering Physicsfrom the Budapest University of Technology, Hungary in 2002 and his PhD degreein Engineering Mathematics from the University of Bristol in 2006. He heldpostdoctoral positions at the University of Exeter and at the University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara before joining the University of Michigan, Ann Arborin 2010 as an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering. His researchfocuses on nonlinear dynamics and control, time delay systems, networks andcomplex systems with applications on connected and automated vehicles andbiological networks.

GaborOrosz 博士,现任密歇根大学安娜堡分校机械工程系副教授。曾在英国布里斯托大学攻读博士学位,又先后在英国埃克赛特大学工程与计算机科学学院和美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校机械工程系进行博士后研究。主要研究领域有:非线性时滞网络动力学控制,网联自主无人车以及基因重组和神经网络控制,共发表论文50余篇,被引用1000余次,在国际会议作专题报告10余次,编写专著2本,并多次在BBC等报刊电视媒体担任专题嘉宾。
